Dr. Zarin Gillani – Video Chat With The Certified Coach And Trainer

Dr. Zarin Gillani is a clinical psychologist by profession — seven years ago, she decided she could do more for people who find themselves to be stuck in a dark place in their lives and can’t see how much potential they have. Zarin is a true example of a champion as she not only had 5 biological children but also adopted 11 more children. She became a certified life purpose coach five years ago and now she brings counseling into her coaching.

Watch this video to learn more about Zarin’s way of helping her clients find true happiness:

Dr. Zarin Gillani’s Tips For People Who Want To Move Forward In Their Life

Zarin uses ‘laser coaching’ in which she makes her clients go to their past experiences for 5 minutes and then brings them back to the present. It helps them shake off the thing/event that is holding them back from living their life and moving forward. Zarin also shared a few tips for people who may need help in moving past their problems:

  1. Awareness – You need to be aware that you need support/help otherwise you will not know what to do in order to move past your difficulties.
  2. Is the position you are in defined as happiness? Are you happy? You need to ask yourself whether you feel content with your life or not.

Everyone wants happiness right away. But their happiness may be buying a new house or a bigger car, but what really defines happiness is contentment from the inside. Furthermore, sometimes people may have self-esteem issues, which leads them to compete in order to look better. But they should be focusing on appearing as themselves and not someone else.

I hope you were able to find Zarin’s story beneficial and applicable in your life. Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Muneer is passionate about learning from the best in the field, as a hypnotherapist and NLP trainer himself in Abu Dhabi in the UAE, he interviews some of the best hypnotists, coaches and NLP trainers around the world.

Like this article? This video is a part of a series on YouTube called: Chats with Champions. In this series, Muneer interviews world champions and people with exceptional stories. Click the link here to find out more about it today!

Habiba Tahir
